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About us


Fairbridge takes a long-term value approach towards acquisitions and investments in the Indian region. We focus on long-term capital appreciation through a flexible and value-oriented approach, underpinned by our guiding principles, including integrity, transparency and responsiveness in all our dealings.

Our permanent capital base enables us to execute a unique set of transactions; by taking a very long-term view, combined with the ability to execute highly flexible and creative deal structures.

Fairbridge is an investment advisor to Hamblin Watsa Investment Counsel Limited, which provides investment management services to Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (www.fairfax.ca) and Fairfax India Holdings Corporation (www.fairfaxindia.ca). Both Fairbridge and Hamblin Watsa Investment Counsel Limited are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited.

Fairbridge is led by Sumit Maheshwari and a team based in Mumbai, India.

Fairfax Financial

Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited is a holding company which, through its subsidiaries, is primarily engaged in property and casualty insurance and reinsurance and the associated investment management. Fairfax's corporate objective is to achieve a 15% growth in book value per share over the long term. Fairfax seeks to differentiate itself by combining disciplined underwriting and investing its assets on a value oriented total return basis, believing that this approach will provide above-average returns over the long term.

Fairfax was founded in 1985 by the present Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Prem Watsa. Prem refinanced a small Canadian insurance company and changed the name to Fairfax Financial, which was derived from the principles of fair and friendly acquisitions, based on the golden rule of 'treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves'.

Through fair and friendly acquisitions, Fairfax has grown into a leading global commercial lines insurance and reinsurance group, compounding book value per share by 18.4%+ annually since 1985, through a dual focus on underwriting profitability and total-return value investing.

Our companies operate on a decentralized basis and are run by the Presidents, except for performance evaluation, succession planning, acquisitions, financing, and investments, which are done by or with Fairfax. The holding company is also responsible for financial reporting requirements, aggregating the total risk across insurance operations and promoting corporate culture throughout our operating companies. Over the last 38 years, Fairfax has written cumulative premiums of $258 billion and has donated more than $315 million since beginning its donation program in 1991.

Since inception, Fairfax has been focused on the long-term view and not on short-term earnings to the benefit of all shareholders.

Fairfax India

Fairfax India Holdings Corporation is an investment holding company publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange whose investment objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation, while preserving capital, by investing in public and private equity securities and debt instruments in India and Indian businesses or other businesses with customers, suppliers or business primarily conducted in, or dependent on, India.

Fairfax India takes a long-term value approach towards acquisitions and investments in the Indian region. We focus on long-term capital appreciation through a flexible and value-oriented approach, underpinned by our guiding principles, including integrity, transparency and responsiveness in all our dealings. Our permanent capital base enables us to execute a unique set of transactions; by taking a very long-term view, combined with the ability to execute highly flexible and creative deal structures.

Fairfax India was founded in 2014 by V. Prem Watsa and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Its common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "FIH.U".

Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited is the controlling shareholder of Fairfax India. Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited is a Toronto based financial services holding company with a global presence in insurance and reinsurance and a portfolio of assets invested worldwide. Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "FFH".

All the investments of Fairfax India are centrally managed by Hamblin Watsa Investment Counsel Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (www.fairfax.ca). Fairbridge Capital Private Limited (www.fairbridgecapital.com), a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, is sole advisor to Hamblin Watsa Investment Counsel Ltd. with respect to investments of Fairfax India.